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How to Market Your Business Using Facebook_ Our Guide
Gavin Fitzgerald • Sep 10, 2021

From the outset of Facebook, its primary goal was to connect. As it proliferated over time, with 2.85 billion active users as of 2021, it also generated various marketing opportunities, especially for small businesses. Facebook now is not only a platform; it’s a tremendous tool to reach potential and current customers using connections and a strong online presence. 

By now, many competitors in the market utilise Facebook to build their brand. Your challenge as a business owner is to stand out and keep up with your competitors. To do this, you must know how to use Facebook effectively to market your business and increase sales. Otherwise, your competing brands will take advantage of your supposed customers. 

In this article, you will learn how you can use Facebook to market your business effectively to ensure that you will gain, increase and retain sales and customers. 

Let’s get to it!

1. Utilise Direct Response Advertising

The goal of direct response advertising is to generate leads quickly. This strategy enables people to make a specific action that will benefit your business. Essentially, direct response marketing must trigger an immediate response from prospects such as buying, reading, referring or any other activity that can be made relevant to your business offering. 

Generally, brands refer to this technique as Call-To-Action (CTA). Facebook offers different advertising options where you can utilise CTAs, including carousel ads, lead ads and dynamic product ads.

2. Create Social Posting

Your Facebook profile will be your starting point to build your customers’ trust and loyalty. To boost your online presence, use your profile to create social postings that are attention-grabbing and relatable. Sustained social media posting can increase brand awareness and make you more visible to potential customers. The tip is to make your profile up-to-date so you can have that reputation of being active, accessible and available to do business with. 

Utilising social posting on Facebook is also a great way to interact or engage with your customers. This technique can further build their loyalty, which is a great help to increase conversion and even boost referrals

3. Filter Your Target Audience

Aside from being an affordable, accessible and flexible marketing tool, Facebook can also serve as your resource to know who you must target. It’s one of their most significant advantages since they can give brands comprehensive data of their audiences’ demographics, interests and location. It can help you develop highly targeted ads and concentrate your efforts on those most interested in the service you provide so that you can turn them into customers.

Facebook also provides tools to measure the effectiveness and success of your marketing campaigns. Additionally, you can build custom audiences to increase your conversions effectively.

4. Make Use of Link Sharing Options

A great way to market your business using Facebook is to introduce your website through links. Unlike other platforms, Facebook offers an endless way to share whatever content you like to your page and link out to your website and other vital sites. By adding links to your posts, you can direct your followers easily to your website, building more traffic and engagement. Put simply, Facebook is your tool to make your site easy to reach.


Facebook marketing is your way to thrive on social media. If you want to build customers, the only way is to connect with them, and this is where the importance of Facebook comes in handy. Make sure you utilise Facebook efficiently by creating engaging content, filtering your target audience and adding links that direct to your website. 

If you are looking for a
social media management service in West Sussex so you can keep your platforms afloat, Minotaur Digital is here to help! Our social media managers are experts at handling social media activity and developing a strategy to achieve long-term marketing goals by publishing original content. Connect with us today to learn more about our services!

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Gavin Fitzgerald


As a director of Minotaur Development, Gavin is immensely passionate about helping small business to grow and be successful. Over his 20 year career, Gavin has worked on some amazing project, including MTV, Specsavers, Expedia, Opodo to name just a few. He is now taking that experience and helping small and medium sized businesses to flourish.
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